**Press Releases** Press releases and news-worthy items appear here. [deutsche Version](press_de.html) 2020-01-06: ForK accelerates web development ================================================================= (###) EFRE project enables closer and more efficient cooperation between academy and economy ![](https://www.h-brs.de/files/styles/content_full/public/paragraph_single_image/forkjahresberichtimg.png?itok=tcM5qUC1) The Institute for Visual Computing at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and Curious Electric GmbH have successfully completed the ERDF-funded project "ForK - Research Impetus for the Creative Industries". In this project, methods were investigated and developed to make machine-oriented development processes available to the creative industries as smoothly as possible. This opens up completely new opportunities for cooperation between academia and industry in the state of NRW and beyond. (##) Faster than you think - innovation in the focus of EFRE funding This is made possible by a transposition process that allows complex algorithms to be translated from machine-oriented programming languages such as C/C++ to scripting languages such as Javascript. This can render tedious manual translation procedures obsolete; the ForK project documents the tools and application steps that greatly simplify this process. Within the ForK project, Augmented Reality components that can be used for street furniture, for example, were successfully ported to the web browser; the complex calculation methods were even implemented on mobile devices without any problems due to the efficiency of the transposition - and without any installation. *This project is funded by the European Union and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. 2020-01-03: F.R.A.N.K. wins 3rd place at Evoke competition ============================================================== F.R.A.N.K. - der Franken Retro Aqara Normaliizing Kontrollr - gewann den 3. Platz auf der Evoke, der berühmten Messe für die Demoszene. Entwickelt von den Curious Brothers, der Demogruppe der Curious Electric GmbH, fand er bei den Messebesuchern große Anerkennung. Auch darüber haben wir alle Informationen offengelegt. ![](https://f.r.a.n.k.bickhofe.com/img/frank.png) More information [here](https://f.r.a.n.k.bickhofe.com/). 2020-01-02: New Press and Blog section ============================================================== We introduced a new Press and Blog section in the latest release.